Assistive Listening Devices
Everyone's hearing is different, and because of that, Circle Hearing provides a wide array of hearing solutions, aside from hearing devices, to suit every individual's specific needs. Amplified telephones, Personal Sound Amplifiers, Amplified Alarm Clocks, Talk to Text Phones, TV Listening Systems, and Tinnitus Maskers. All these products offer unique assistance in certain listening situations and could help increase the quality of life of those with mild to severe hearing difficulty.
TV Connector: The Ultimate Solution for Seamless Audio Device Connection to Your Hearing Systems Connecting televisions and other audio devices such as stereo systems to your hearing systems has never been easier. With the TV Connector, customers can watch television, movies, or listen to music up to 15 meters away from their TV connector while enjoying an unmatched binaural listening experience. This device is compatible with most hearing aids.
Partner Mic Introducing the PartnerMic: Optimized Design and Enhanced Performance This remote microphone comes equipped with an optimized design and improved performance, making it the ideal solution when you need to communicate with a partner. The integrated clip allows for easy attachment to clothing, while the device's button operation and excellent sound quality make it a breeze to use. The PartnerMic's range of up to 25 meters transmits voice directly to hearing systems, making it an invaluable tool in acoustically challenging settings. Overall, the PartnerMic is a fantastic addition to any communication toolkit.
Remote Control Introducing the Latest Remote Control for Effortless Hearing Aid Device Management. Our newly designed remote control makes device management both discreet and easy. The large, clearly marked buttons allow for easy adaptability of the volume. It's simple to change the hearing environment or program with the device. The remote control was specifically developed for those who prefer not to change any settings directly in the hearing system or use their smartphone.